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Cardboard Construction Tubes
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Cardboard Construction Tubes
A selection of spiral wound fibreboard tubes. Strong in construction but thin enough to be sawn into shorter lengths. Put into practice construction theories and make chairs and bridges. Can be painted, sawn or drilled. Approximately 2mm thick card.
10 tubes per pack except for the assorted pack which contains 16 tubes.
Assorted pack includes: 8 x small (44 x 240mm), 4 x medium (63 x 624mm) and 4 x large tubes (84 x 870mm).
10 tubes per pack except for the assorted pack which contains 16 tubes.
Assorted pack includes: 8 x small (44 x 240mm), 4 x medium (63 x 624mm) and 4 x large tubes (84 x 870mm).
Catalogue Page Number | Dryad Education 2022 |
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